Showtime Security has been in business since its inception in 1988. SHOWTIME SECURITY has proven itself as
the premier special events security and support company in New
England. Showtime offers a variety of custom tailored services
designed to complement and achieve the goals you establish for your
event that can be utilized independently of each other or in any
combination thereof.
At Showtime Security we have proven time and time again that the
professionalism and dedication of our Team Members is what sets us
apart and far ahead of the competition. Individualism complemented
by pro-active teamwork are the ingredients essential to the proven
success of our Team Members.
Showtime Security’s primary management experience in the special
event industry exceeds twenty-one years.
Team Members employed in a management capacity each have in
excess of 15 years special event supervisory experience and are
fully cognizant of ADA, alcohol awareness, safety issues and the
requirements necessary to ensure that strong positive guest
relations are maintained. |